Friday, September 25, 2009

How is the SQL Management Pack?

I truly enjoy being part of the Operations Manager community and one of the reasons being that the Product Team actually cares. I just got word that they are extending surveys that was traditionally reserved for their TAP customers out to the public through the connect site.

The new connect site for Operations Manager is

And one of the first things that can be done there is feedback on experience with the SQL MP. So if you've experienced any pains or have any suggestions on how to improve it..? Well this is your chance to shout it out...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Announcement: System Center Configuation Manager R3

This is surprising... but i can't say that it wasn't expected. The product team announced today the coming of System Center Configuration Manager R3. It will come with the additions of a Power Management feature, scalibility and performance improvements etc. Target release is Q1 2010.

I've applied to be part of the TAP program to get a first hand look at the BETA and hope to report on the findings.

For more info, check out the team blog entry